
Build your own mapping portal using worldmap.harvard.edu

Build your own mapping portal and publish it to the world or to just a few collaborators. WorldMap is open source software.

WorldMap is under rapid development.  The system currently allows anyone in the world to:
  • Create their own online mapping portal and brand it.
  • Upload large GIS files and visualize them online, download data that others make available
  • Create and edit map layers online and link map features to multimedia content
  • Create layer from georeferenced Picasa and YouTube photos and videos by filtering with a word and then saving the layer to your map.
  • Display maps from other systems as if they were in WorldMap.  Serve maps to other systems.
  • Control access to your data
  • Export layers to GIS formats such as KML, Shape, spreadsheet, PDF
  • Create complex cartographic visualizations using simple rules
  • Allow multiple trusted people to edit the same map
  • Overlay remote data layers with local data
  • Search external repositories such as the Harvard Geospatial Library, YouTube, and Picasa. Bring their contents into WorldMap
  • Find the location of a place by searching several gazetteers simultaneously
  • Control transparency of layers
  • Save map settings for use later
  • Embed live maps in blogs and other web pages
  • Upload scanned historic maps and georeference them online, then display them in WorldMap
  • Rank and comment on a map or layer
  • Annotate a map
  • And many other things...

For Developers
WorldMap is in essence a heavily customized version of GeoNode. GeoNode is a Django-based platform which makes use of many standard elements in the Open Source GIS web stack including GeoServerOpenLayersExtJSGeoNetwork, and GDAL.
Unlike Geonode, WorldMap uses PostGIS instead of shapefiles for the backend database.

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