
Playback of MP3 files using JMF, midi files and wav files

The JavaSoundPlayer class contains code tp playback MP3, MIDI and WAV files.
The JavaSoundUser class is just a test class to create instances of the JavaSoundPlayer class.

 1 package example;
 3 import java.net.*;
 4 import java.io.File;
 5 import javax.media.*;
 6 import javax.sound.midi.*;
 7 import javax.sound.sampled.*;
 9 public class JavaSoundPlayer {
11     private String filename;
12     private File file;
13     private AudioInputStream ais;
14     private Clip clip;
15     private boolean iswav;
16     private boolean ismidi;
17     private boolean ismp3;
18     private Sequence seq;
19     private Sequencer mp;
20     private Player player;
22     public JavaSoundPlayer(String filename) {
23         this.filename = filename;
24         iswav = ismidi = ismp3 = false;
25         if (filename.endsWith("wav")
26                 || filename.endsWith("au")
27                 || filename.endsWith("aiff")) {
28             iswav = true;
29             // from a sampled wave File
30             try {
31                 file = new File(filename);
32                 ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file);
33                 clip = AudioSystem.getClip();
34                 // pre-load samples from the AudioInputStream
35                 clip.open(ais);
36             } catch (Exception e) {
37             }
38         } else if (filename.endsWith("mid")) {
39             ismidi = true;
40             try {
41                 file = new File(filename);
42                 seq = MidiSystem.getSequence(file);
43                 mp = MidiSystem.getSequencer();
44                 mp.open();
45                 mp.setSequence(seq);
46                 mp.setLoopCount(0); // repeat 0 times
47             } catch (Exception e) {
48             }
49         } else if (filename.endsWith("mp3")) {
50             ismp3 = true;
51             try {
52                 player = Manager.createPlayer(
53                         new URL("file:"+filename));
54                 player.realize();
55             } catch (Exception e) {
56             }
57         }
58     }
60     public void play() {
61         if (iswav) {
62             if (clip.isRunning()) {
63                 clip.stop();
64             }
65             // rewind to beginning and play
66             clip.setFramePosition(0);
67             clip.start();
68         } else if (ismidi) {
69             if (mp.isRunning()) {
70                 mp.stop();
71             }
72             mp.setTickPosition(0);
73             mp.start();
74         } else if (ismp3) {
75             player.start();
76         }
77     }
78 }

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